GSID delivers solutions merging concept vision with client expertise bringing to life products that are elegant, functional, manufacturable, progressive, and commercially viable. Results flow from an empathic user-centric process, built on pillars of research prowess, human factors expertise, design excellence, and real-world business needs.
industrial DEsign
Ideation / Concept Development / Workshops: From sketches and quick mockups to themed scenarios, ideas are born from user needs opportunities. This can be accomplished independently or as a collaborative idea-synthesis workshop with your team. Workshops are wonderfully engaging and benefit from a diverse group of attendees in your organization.
Design Development & Detailing: As an expert SolidWorks user, I’ll work independently or integrate with your development team. Capabilities include designing for all plastics molding and metal manufacturing processes, complex surfacing, large assemblies, beautiful renderings, and prototypes.
Brand Language represents your DNA and is at the heart of your customer’s emotional connection to your company and all it represents. Design language begins with the descriptors of your brand and what it stands for. Appropriate physical attributes and details are defined. This simplifies future product development as it acts as an aesthetic roadmap, speeds up the process, and ensures a cohesive product portfolio united under your branding.
Manufacturing Guidance: As your partner, supporting products through to manufacturing is standard. Be it toolmakers, in house or outsourced manufacturing, I’ve got your back.
Market Research / Opportunity Discovery: New market or existing? New product or new generation? I offer detailed market research & analysis for realistic opportunity sizing and competitive pulse.
Voice of Customer / End User Needs / User Personas / Customer Journey Mapping: You can’t begin design without knowing your customer. The key to creating a unicorn is all in the research. It begins with clearly defining the problem to be solved, then assembling a research scope. I get into the field with your users. Get to know and understand their preferences and pain points through ethnography and questions that encourage stories. Based on insights gathered, user personas are created and become our imaginary friends keeping us focused on our target audience. Their customer journeys are mapped, data is compiled and analyzed, needs are derived and prioritized. And the icing…It’s determined how much opportunity lies within each need. Innovation must focus where high priority needs and opportunities collide, maximizing your competitive edge.
GSID deploys qualitative and quantitative research and analysis methods, survey and discussion guide creation, in-field & web based interviews. Results reports give development teams a deep understanding of your customers, and act as roadmaps to high value products, driving focus and saving time.
Concept Verification puts your ideas in the hands and minds of your customer. This is valuable in determining between multiple concepts, seeing what innovations stir up the most excitement, or gaining critical human factors feedback. Focus Groups, field testing with users, A/B testing or digital surveys are methods that can be deployed.
Data Visualization can be a path to insights, new ideas, innovations, and strategies. Visualization supports communication and can make clear that “Where’s Waldo” insight or opportunity hiding beneath the data.
Durable Strategy
Innovation Workshops / Product Roadmaps: Workshops are tailored to deliver the results you need. I use a variety of tools to create a cohesive framework and methods to ensure full group participation and maximum yield. Workshop results are compiled into reports and reinforced with strong narratives to support your messaging and communications.
Competitive Intelligence: Chances are you are much more familiar with your competitors than I am. I utilize the internal knowledge of your organization to map competitive focus and uncover strategies you may not be aware of. And bring into focus their blind spots - potential opportunities and means for keeping your ocean blue.
War Games are the most in depth dive into your competitive environment. And it’s a blast. The multi-day event requires participation from senior members of most departments and the executive team. The rewards? Actionable results with companywide support at the highest levels. Not to mention some newfound camaraderie and a deeper knowledge.
Market Size / Share Analysis: Market size and market potential are very different animals. What is your market share calculated with? Utilizing top-down and bottom-up analysis techniques, its possible to attain highly accurate results closely tailored to the products you provide in the market segments you serve. The results are more realistic and meaningful for your business. Analysis can be taken further calculating market potential and market share geographically - which can be extremely helpful for managing product strategies and sales organizations.